Players List

Below is a list of player deaths this month.

Causes of Deaths

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Types of Deaths

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#   Name Date Survived Cause Killer Weapon Witness Last Words
1580 SchmiTwrbrmnjnsn 06/05 08:39 0d 0h 14m drowned
1579 SchmiTwrbrmnjnsn 06/05 08:24 0d 0h 15m shot by Skeleton
1578 Cheid 05/05 19:11 3d 13h 54m shot by Skeleton bbl
1577 RoboticRomo_ 29/04 06:12 0d 4h 58m blown up by Creeper
1576 ConfusingBog 29/04 01:07 0d 0h 0m drowned
1575 ConfusingBog 29/04 01:06 0d 0h 0m drowned
1574 Cheid 22/04 22:19 3d 13h 54m tried to swim in lava bbl
1573 Liangdengke556 15/04 08:46 0d 0h 0m tried to swim in lava
1572 PitFish 09/04 08:31 0d 0h 0m suffocated in a wall what
1571 PitFish 09/04 08:30 0d 0h 3m drowned ohh a turtle, lets get killed by A TURTLE
1570 RuneWolf9 09/04 00:21 0d 1h 31m shot by Pillager ChromeDome5000 t
1569 TripleSilkuhhh 08/04 13:02 0d 0h 7m blown up by Creeper rip
1568 coleur 07/04 18:51 0d 0h 0m fell from a high place what signifies the numbers next to our names on the scoreboard?
1567 Cheid 06/04 17:20 3d 13h 54m slain by Cave Spider bbl
1566 Munshadow 06/04 07:32 1d 9h 11m shot by Skeleton any idea when map resets?
1565 Munshadow 31/03 09:46 1d 9h 11m blown up by Creeper any idea when map resets?
1564 Trillllix 30/03 00:40 0d 0h 1m slain by Zombie no
1563 Trillllix 30/03 00:34 0d 0h 11m shot by Skeleton no
1562 AeroDynamics2 29/03 03:16 0d 0h 6m fell from a high place LSTH D:
1561 ChromeDome5000 19/03 20:51 0d 3h 28m fell off a ladder
1560 0mniscience 10/03 09:50 0d 0h 0m impaled by Drowned
1559 Koba_Timur 09/03 00:19 0d 0h 23m fell from a high place xd
1558 masonboy64 05/03 23:51 0d 0h 0m shot by Skeleton
1557 iSlangDooDoo 01/03 05:43 0d 0h 49m shot by Skeleton anyone here?
1556 og_momo 26/02 17:33 0d 1h 13m fell from a high place thanks