Players List

Below is a list of player deaths this month.

Causes of Deaths

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Types of Deaths

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#   Name Date Survived Cause Killer Weapon Witness Last Words
1480 GreenGuardian1 10/11 05:34 4d 21h 0m blown up by Creeper should be a ton around
1479 GreenGuardian1 10/11 05:05 4d 21h 0m obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek should be a ton around
1478 Doofis211 05/11 12:45 0d 1h 55m hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape Skeleton wb
1477 MUSTAFAMUGHEES 04/11 15:18 0d 0h 0m drowned
1476 eXeSeV 04/11 01:55 0d 0h 43m drowned lol, I am able to do it myself thank you
1475 SJClash 03/11 11:49 7d 13h 4m doomed to fall tal is noob
1474 FastorFurious18 02/11 21:38 1d 10h 25m slain by Zombie SJClash yeah
1473 BmanNomad 02/11 03:29 3d 12h 15m fell from a high place FastorFurious18 on my way
1472 CHAUNCEYYY 01/11 05:35 2d 6h 38m slain by Iron Golem ello
1471 ParticleX 31/10 18:57 7d 9h 43m blew up thanks already did :)
1470 Nicholukas 30/10 03:29 0d 0h 14m shot by Skeleton is this you guys's main server?
1469 dionysoraptor 29/10 06:35 4d 3h 35m doomed to fall by Zombie :) good rest
1468 Cheid 28/10 03:31 3d 13h 54m fell from a high place because i love flying
1467 franknbrry 27/10 20:26 0d 2h 29m shot by Skeleton ty
1466 wols 27/10 20:04 0d 4h 27m fell out of the world i'm guessing you already raided most of the stuff on the way to your base tho :D
1465 eXeSeV 27/10 19:50 0d 0h 43m Slain by Player TalRasha Diamond sword I'll be on my way then
1464 dek_co 27/10 12:01 0d 1h 23m shot by Skeleton thanks!
1463 harrywest 26/10 21:51 0d 2h 39m shot by Skeleton hello there sweetheart
1462 TalRasha 26/10 20:01 0 slain by admin TalRasha what was the command to kill myself?
1461 Pon__ 24/10 21:18 0d 0h 39m froze to death ty
1460 ZMEDUSA7 23/10 23:50 7d 10h 17m Slain by Player kyuumoth Iron sword GET IT OVER WITH
1459 reixyz 23/10 23:03 0d 0h 56m suffocated in a wall but those who harbor the goat in safe water and get in the way will be cirumvented
1458 dionysoraptor 23/10 11:05 4d 3h 35m slain by Zombie :) good rest
1457 GreenGuardian1 23/10 02:54 4d 21h 0m drowned thx
1456 CrimsonChaotix 22/10 18:49 0d 16h 58m blown up by Creeper thx