Players List

Below is a list of player deaths this month.

Causes of Deaths

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Types of Deaths

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#   Name Date Survived Cause Killer Weapon Witness Last Words
1430 og_momo 18/10 03:03 0d 0h 1m slain by Zombie SmugGravy346
1429 og_momo 18/10 03:00 0d 0h 8m shot by Skeleton SmugGravy346
1428 Nitez 18/10 02:37 0d 0h 0m shot by Skeleton Hellooooo
1427 TalRasha 18/10 00:18 0 slain by admin TalRasha naa i need end rods and shulkers
1426 SJClash 16/10 10:03 7d 13h 4m discovered the floor lava yo
1425 UncoiledHydra73 16/10 03:29 0d 0h 0m drowned
1424 UncoiledHydra73 16/10 03:29 0d 0h 1m drowned
1423 FastorFurious18 16/10 02:11 1d 10h 25m killed by Ender Dragon using magic ZMEDUSA7 sorry
1422 Habjan 15/10 23:00 0d 7h 52m shot by Skeleton see ya
1421 Doofis211 15/10 15:53 0d 1h 55m shot by Skeleton anyone wanna team
1420 GreenGuardian1 15/10 15:39 4d 21h 0m fell from a high place what are those used for again?
1419 FrancisTheGoat 15/10 13:30 8d 1h 46m slain by Enderman ty
1418 reixyz 15/10 11:06 0d 0h 43m tried to swim in lava was like 7 in the ocean but after being in one area uit loks higher
1417 kyuumoth 14/10 15:22 8d 15h 40m doomed to fall by Skeleton w
1416 eXeSeV 14/10 14:12 0d 0h 43m blown up by Creeper *Shoot
1415 FrancisTheGoat 14/10 05:08 8d 1h 46m slain by Iron Golem SJClash shit
1414 Pon__ 13/10 23:15 0d 0h 39m tried to swim in lava nice base
1413 CHAUNCEYYY 13/10 22:32 2d 6h 38m blown up by Creeper wb
1412 wols 13/10 17:52 0d 4h 27m discovered the floor lava who's building the town in spawn?
1411 kyuumoth 12/10 14:15 8d 15h 40m Slain by Player kyuumoth Bow wb
1410 BurlyChimera 12/10 12:35 0d 1h 14m shot by Skeleton whats the boarder
1409 reixyz 12/10 02:42 0d 0h 43m Slain by Player BmanNomad Bow was like 7 in the ocean but after being in one area uit loks higher
1408 Habjan 12/10 02:28 0d 7h 52m blown up by Creeper wb
1407 EEgan 11/10 22:57 0d 1h 22m shot by Skeleton not me
1406 BurlyChimera 11/10 21:07 0d 1h 14m blown up by Creeper nah just this map