Deaths List

Below is a list of player deaths for the current map.

Causes of Deaths

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Types of Deaths

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#   Name Date Survived Cause Killer Weapon Witness Last Words
150 Munshadow 31/08 05:25 0d 0h 15m shot by Skeleton hi
149 MarkusPrime57 30/08 23:48 0d 8h 20m shot by Skeleton hi :)
148 Casiuas 30/08 21:14 0d 4h 53m fell from a high place sweet
147 friselis 30/08 20:01 0d 1h 31m slain by Enderman how many tries u guys got a base down ? x)
146 PhilippSchroeter 30/08 15:21 0d 0h 0m fell from a high place i can die
145 MarkusPrime57 30/08 07:12 0d 0h 5m impaled by Drowned
144 Clarebearrrr 30/08 06:15 0d 0h 10m slain by Wolf Tsuzunee first time minecraft
143 Callistusis 30/08 06:14 0d 0h 20m shot by Skeleton Clarebearrrr rip
142 Clarebearrrr 30/08 06:04 0d 0h 20m hit the ground too hard
141 TalRasha 30/08 01:27 0d 0h 2m drowned Here i come .....
140 Inatrocitys 30/08 01:25 0d 1h 38m doomed to fall sleep plz
139 jaktheripper6 29/08 01:10 0d 0h 38m blown up by Creeper True true
138 Casiuas 28/08 01:35 1d 13h 58m slain by Piglin Brute lol
137 Nuitari333 27/08 22:19 0d 0h 1m drowned Hello
136 Ethan63021 27/08 22:00 0d 0h 51m fell from a high place im at -189.567 90 -36.262
135 friselis 27/08 20:00 0d 1h 31m shot by Skeleton what is my lucj
134 friselis 27/08 11:58 0d 0h 17m shot by Skeleton hey
133 That_Guy_Corbin 27/08 00:34 4d 16h 26m fell out of the world ty
132 Bigman_Sunny6656 26/08 23:57 0d 0h 1m blown up by Creeper hi
131 Bigman_Sunny6656 26/08 23:55 0d 0h 0m blown up by Creeper hi
130 Foil_Mike 26/08 02:10 2d 20h 23m slain by Zombie Ahhh... Snap!
129 Foil_Mike 26/08 00:07 0d 0h 44m drowned
128 lowfpsplayer 24/08 17:29 0d 0h 20m slain by Zombie i'm looking for a team
127 Dicen500 24/08 14:33 0d 0h 14m shot by Skeleton GabeSenpai tyty, back from the dead leggo
126 Munshadow 24/08 08:58 0d 0h 28m shot by Skeleton hi