Deaths List

Below is a list of player deaths for the current map.

Causes of Deaths

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Types of Deaths

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#   Name Date Survived Cause Killer Weapon Witness Last Words
312 WorldClasss 13/11 03:23 0d 4h 14m experienced kinetic energy Habjan o7
311 0tis66 12/11 09:17 0d 0h 12m slain by Enderman i'm back
310 RoboticRomo_ 11/11 14:04 0d 19h 49m drowned I hope i die soon and can get back to building my dark towers in the moonlight
309 a1up 11/11 01:25 0d 0h 14m shot by Skeleton ok
308 Gorilla_Jesus 10/11 22:58 0d 0h 5m tried to swim in lava
307 CrimsonChaotix 10/11 03:06 0d 7h 43m blown up by Creeper alr time to go watch cfb for the rest of the day since its saturday cya all
306 Nuitari333 09/11 13:24 0d 3h 1m fell from a high place Hello
305 Ridan_Angel 06/11 03:23 0d 5h 49m slain by Zombie huh
304 BrotherGamernl 04/11 07:05 0d 2h 43m slain by Piglin rip
303 nater2dope 04/11 03:21 0d 0h 20m shot by Skeleton hi
302 nater2dope 04/11 02:59 0d 0h 21m blown up by Creeper
301 GreenGuardian1 03/11 23:32 0d 6h 29m slain by Enderman thx
300 Nuitari333 03/11 22:27 0d 5h 5m slain by Blaze tiny and made of dirt?
299 ScarryHott 02/11 23:14 0d 1h 29m tried to swim in lava being a father is a full time job
298 Daredard 02/11 22:34 0d 6h 43m fell from a high place Hi !
297 VampireSquid 02/11 03:38 0d 0h 36m slain by Animadversa yeah i killed two in the village
296 YoungWeeb 01/11 23:33 0d 1h 54m fell from a high place wbwb
295 _TaiIung_ 01/11 23:10 0d 0h 3m poked to death by a sweet berry bush fat
294 SOFIAKAOS 01/11 18:54 0d 0h 11m slain by Drowned wb
293 BrotherGamernl 31/10 13:33 0d 12h 32m fell off scaffolding oh no nvm
292 DuplexEagle 31/10 03:37 0d 11h 38m impaled on a stalagmite okay
291 Perry_Van_Pappe 30/10 15:55 0d 0h 39m impaled on a stalagmite anyoone
290 Raffie696 30/10 03:20 0d 0h 37m impaled on a stalagmite kk XD i was tryna be so nice
289 Fastcat 29/10 04:35 0d 1h 40m burned to a crisp while fighting Magma Cube SweetxPanda
288 CeasingComb6437 28/10 20:17 0d 2h 19m blown up by Creeper JohnHeikens can u go away a bit