Deaths List

Below is a list of player deaths for the current map.

Causes of Deaths

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Types of Deaths

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#   Name Date Survived Cause Killer Weapon Witness Last Words
175 madeline1805 09/09 21:58 0d 0h 1m slain by Enderman help
174 SOFIAKAOS 08/09 22:05 0d 4h 58m drowned ok
173 Nuitari333 08/09 11:38 1d 7h 49m fell from a high place ah i died in there , good luck
172 PhilippSchroeter 08/09 09:10 0d 0h 2m tried to swim in lava STEVE
171 goblindog3708 08/09 04:52 0d 2h 19m tried to swim in lava yo guys hello
170 Casiuas 08/09 02:39 3d 0h 15m fell from a high place nope
169 goblindog3708 08/09 01:03 0d 0h 12m fell from a high place
168 Ridan_Angel 07/09 21:08 0d 0h 14m shot by Skeleton helo
167 Munshadow 07/09 05:37 0d 0h 35m slain by Zombie hi
166 BmanNomad 07/09 04:24 0d 0h 26m Slain by Player VampireSquid Netherite sword random last quote
165 Ridan_Angel 05/09 15:41 0d 0h 20m slain by Zombie helo
164 Nuitari333 05/09 01:27 1d 7h 49m slain by Zombie im kidding. ive not been more then 4 k out in the overworld
163 Bornegra 04/09 07:49 0d 9h 36m fell out of the world are shulker boxes enabled?
162 GGOODGAMES 04/09 01:49 0d 0h 2m tried to swim in lava
161 arnolds8903 03/09 03:38 2d 1h 43m blown up by willyloomuss wrong movie mb
160 AmySunlight 03/09 03:19 0d 0h 4m blown up by Creeper hello hello
159 YoungWeeb 02/09 17:08 3d 2h 20m blown up by Creeper lol
158 BusterRex 02/09 08:37 0d 0h 3m shot by Skeleton YO
157 jaktheripper6 01/09 18:06 0d 0h 28m slain by Zombie True true
156 MarkusPrime57 01/09 07:33 0d 12h 14m drowned ds
155 Casiuas 01/09 06:14 0d 22h 42m experienced kinetic energy yeah lol
154 WisestWise 31/08 22:52 0d 8h 30m blown up by Creeper TalRasha there are some dias
153 BusterRex 31/08 15:23 0d 0h 2m hit the ground too hard yo
152 MarkusPrime57 31/08 08:26 0d 4h 11m blown up by Creeper i copied the ip, ill check your serve out later. i have to finish working on my base atm
151 PhilippSchroeter 31/08 06:39 0d 0h 6m shot by Skeleton Markus please just join my server on version 1.21.1