Deaths List

Below is a list of player deaths for the current map.

Causes of Deaths

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Types of Deaths

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#   Name Date Survived Cause Killer Weapon Witness Last Words
55 celicagt4 09/02 21:04 1d 21h 41m shot by Skeleton tlol
54 celicagt4 09/02 20:17 1d 21h 41m shot by Skeleton hi
53 MegaEgg 08/02 22:58 0d 0h 14m fell from a high place Besides literal fences, probably not.
52 Matei9708 08/02 20:33 0d 0h 6m shot by Skeleton hi
51 celicagt4 08/02 20:08 1d 21h 41m shot by Skeleton hi
50 Ch1mpy 08/02 19:39 0d 1h 16m slain by Zombie hey
49 ArcticTundraIce 08/02 17:16 0d 13h 15m slain by xDestinity xDestinity Right thanks
48 Habjan 08/02 16:23 1d 18h 45m tried to swim in lava to escape Piglin wb
47 eXeSeV 08/02 15:09 0d 23h 1m fell from a high place g-night
46 Bollog 08/02 13:54 0d 12h 17m slain by Vex congrats
45 celicagt4 08/02 09:05 1d 21h 41m slain by Iron Golem hi
44 Habjan 08/02 03:53 1d 18h 45m impaled by Drowned jk i;'m bacvk for a bit more
43 Habjan 08/02 03:40 1d 18h 45m blown up by Creeper jk i;'m bacvk for a bit more
42 CHAUNCEYYY 07/02 19:40 2d 6h 23m blown up by Creeper the goat
41 Sandelul 07/02 19:34 0d 1h 9m doomed to fall by Skeleton seed aint given, right?
40 FrancisTheGoat 07/02 19:24 2d 16h 42m drowned TalRasha get him
39 Sideralis 07/02 04:13 3d 15h 23m obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek oh maybe
38 Casiuas 06/02 21:31 1d 23h 26m impaled by Drowned o/
37 Casiuas 06/02 19:54 1d 23h 26m slain by Zombie currently chilling in a villages stable that I found, will check out the actual village when sun comes up
36 Nuitari333 06/02 15:50 2d 12h 22m fell off a ladder comming up
35 celicagt4 06/02 06:28 1d 21h 41m blown up by Creeper hi ye all
34 Varezius 05/02 19:31 0d 0h 0m slain by Drowned been here off and around since 2015, so I recognise your name still haha
33 celicagt4 04/02 20:52 1d 21h 41m slain by Zombie ty
32 Foil_Mike 04/02 00:18 12d 12h 14m blown up by Creeper Hay yo
31 Sea_Fo 03/02 21:59 0d 5h 44m suffocated in a wall o/