Deaths List

Below is a list of player deaths for the current map.

Causes of Deaths

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Types of Deaths

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#   Name Date Survived Cause Killer Weapon Witness Last Words
200 DoveCraft1 20/09 05:05 0d 12h 56m blown up by Creeper yeah, now how am I gonna fish?
199 MarkusPrime57 18/09 22:47 0d 13h 54m blown up by Creeper \o
198 RezJudaise 18/09 09:13 4d 5h 17m blown up by Creeper pass the night?
197 Pavement_Ape 18/09 02:33 1d 22h 48m doomed to fall by Casiuas Casiuas i bet it goes on another mile
196 Dicen500 17/09 02:18 0d 9h 36m obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek yeah
195 MarkusPrime57 16/09 21:32 0d 13h 13m slain by Zombie rip :(
194 StevePRGM 16/09 19:32 1d 10h 16m starved to death byee
193 water12678 16/09 00:41 0d 2h 20m blown up by Creeper y
192 BlueVortex 15/09 05:12 0d 0h 21m slain by Zombie hello
191 Ridan_Angel 14/09 21:38 0d 7h 0m fell from a high place he already did
190 Habjan 14/09 21:17 7d 9h 31m blown up by Creeper i can relog if someone needs to sleep
189 Varezius 14/09 15:03 0d 0h 0m drowned ty
188 DoveCraft1 14/09 03:11 0d 0h 9m slain by Zombie howdy
187 awasldld 14/09 00:11 0d 0h 49m shot by Skeleton frogs are cool
186 awasldld 13/09 22:11 0d 0h 49m slain by Zombie down to the biome its in
185 RezJudaise 13/09 16:40 4d 5h 17m drowned Hey Nui. long time!
184 Nuitari333 13/09 16:37 0d 0h 31m fell from a high place ah i died in there , good luck
183 Cas1408 13/09 11:16 0d 0h 0m fell from a high place
182 Cas1408 13/09 11:15 0d 0h 0m fell from a high place
181 BanillaBow 12/09 20:09 0d 3h 7m slain by Enderman brb
180 MarkusPrime57 11/09 21:45 0d 13h 13m slain by Zombie rip :(
179 omgitskyyview 11/09 02:26 0d 0h 1m drowned ty ty
178 MarkusPrime57 11/09 00:06 0d 5h 53m fell from a high place rip :(
177 JimBouki 10/09 22:08 5d 8h 13m slain by Zombie i have a few friend that might join too, mostly noobs :)
176 MarkusPrime57 10/09 17:29 0d 12h 14m drowned ds