Deaths List

Below is a list of player deaths for the current map.

Causes of Deaths

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Types of Deaths

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#   Name Date Survived Cause Killer Weapon Witness Last Words
30 Sideralis 03/02 16:06 3d 15h 23m slain by Drowned
29 EEgan 03/02 06:53 0d 0h 3m slain by Zombie
28 Sheeps2 03/02 05:01 0d 0h 0m drowned
27 Habjan 02/02 21:52 1d 18h 45m slain by Drowned more common for amplified terrain to have mobs drop on you
26 ArcticTundraIce 02/02 21:37 0d 13h 15m blown up by Creeper I still trust no one
25 LimeGuyJr 02/02 20:51 0d 0h 30m shot by Skeleton what is tps?
24 LimeGuyJr 02/02 20:34 0d 0h 30m hit the ground too hard while trying to escape Skeleton i just got iron armor
23 celicagt4 02/02 20:16 1d 21h 41m drowned hi guys
22 NappingNibbles 02/02 17:55 0d 0h 21m shot by Skeleton im talking like 10 years ago lol
21 coleur 02/02 16:34 0d 0h 0m tried to swim in lava yup thats me
20 Couleur 02/02 16:27 0d 0h 0m tried to swim in lava coule
19 Couleur 02/02 16:26 0d 0h 0m tried to swim in lava cool
18 ScoobieDoobieRoo 02/02 14:44 0d 0h 50m fell from a high place cya
17 RoboticRomo_ 02/02 02:07 1d 10h 53m slain by Zombie Whoa
16 Pon__ 02/02 00:06 0d 0h 6m doomed to fall by Skeleton hehe
15 Ridan_Angel 01/02 23:47 1d 0h 6m slain by Piglin Brute good achievement
14 Player 01/02 23:40 0d 4h 26m shot by Skeleton Yes
13 arnolds8903 01/02 22:46 0d 2h 0m fell from a high place Habjan beat that
12 Koba_Timur 01/02 22:45 0d 1h 36m blown up by Creeper rip
11 standi318 01/02 22:45 0d 1h 30m slain by Zombie BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM
10 Player 01/02 22:38 0d 4h 26m shot by Skeleton Damn you're stacked
9 RoboticRomo_ 01/02 21:51 1d 10h 53m shot by Skeleton Yes, just leather and string
8 WisestWise 01/02 21:28 0d 10h 26m burned to death we went together cuz there was a wedding
7 Moniker 01/02 20:58 0d 1h 19m drowned rip
6 wols 01/02 20:56 0d 15h 28m slain by Vindicator standi